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You choosing to be part of our Ministry Partner Team is making a difference in the lives of couples. And periodically, we want to continue to share some comments from husbands and wives to remind you that your partnership matters. God is using it to build Christ-centered marriages. THANK YOU for your sacrifice to build God's Kingdom - One couple at a time!

Your Partnership at Work


Couple married 4 Years at the time they shared this:

  • HUSBAND:  Abiding Marriage has been a wonderful ministry for us to process and learn to seek the Lord in all facets of our marriage. We have always felt so safe to both share and hear new perspectives. Glen and Shawn have helped us learn so many practical ways to truly love one another better, as Christ first loved us. 

  • WIFE: We have been blessed beyond measure by Abiding Marriage. Through their support, we have gleaned so much wisdom in regards to listening to, understanding, and serving one another in our marriage. Glen and Shawn have provided a safe, non-biased place for us to share our struggles and our victories, and their constant encouragement to us to seek Christ first in our marriage has poured over into all aspects of our lives. We are truly blessed and grateful for all Glen and Shawn do! 



Couple married 6 Years at the time they shared this:  

  • I am so very grateful for Abiding Marriage Ministry. My wife and I struggled in our marriage, and I blamed her for all my hurts. It felt hopeless not to mention our troubles blending a family, I felt it was beyond repair. Glen and his wife, Shawn, were able to walk alongside of us praying and teaching us how to forgive, communicate and love each other in the ways God has truly designed marriage to be. This ministry uses biblical principles and Scripture as a foundation of their work. Learning how to truly forgive without resentment in my heart has been extremely helpful. As I learn to see my spouse as Jesus does, it has been freeing to my soul knowing my love only grows for my wife. I have hope for our future and  feel confident with God at the center, that my marriage will not only survive but thrive.    Husband's Comments

  • Before Abiding Marriage, I remember feeling lonely in my marriage. I felt disconnected from my husband emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I wanted to be close, but I didn’t know how to fix things. Right away, Glen helped us identify root causes of our marital problems, and we began working on one thing at a time. This brought me hope in a brighter future for our marriage and opened my mind to the idea of a fulfilling marriage. As we began working with Glen, I realized that, although we were disconnected, and had other marital issues, our biggest issue was a spiritual issue. Even though we’re both followers of Jesus Christ and have a close relationship with the Lord individually, He was not truly at the center of our marriage. We’ve been working with Abiding Marriage for 1 year now. Marriage and blending a family have proven difficult for us. And, we still have work to do. However, our marriage has improved dramatically. This hope I speak of for a brighter future for our marriage has become reality. We couldn’t have made it here without Jesus Christ. Furthermore, we’ve worked with other counselors in the past with no results. We couldn’t have made it to this sweet place in our marriage without you, Glen and Shawn. You’ve helped change a marriage, family, and legacy for the greater good of the Kingdom of God. The work you do is much needed for a time such as this. Thank you for building treasures in heaven in this way.  Wife's Comments



Couple Newly Married (just a few months) at the time they shared this:  

  • I am very thankful for Abiding Marriage. Me and my fiancee's relationship was struggling and we decided to get counseling. We knew it had to be done but financially we didn't know how we were going to manage it. We knew we wanted Christian counseling and Glen was the first person we contacted. I felt  that this was the place for us. I am very grateful for Glen and the people who support this ministry financially! May God bless you all in everything you do!   Husband's Comment.  

  • I am so thankful for Abiding Marriage. My fiancee’ and I were having a really rough time communicating and being willing to see each other's side on most topics. We decided that we needed to see a counselor and we wanted it to be a Christian counselor. We reached out to Glen and it was almost instant the difference the counseling made in our relationship. We were held accountable for our faults and encouraged us to listen to one another and put the other's needs before our own. We still meet about once a month to keep things going in the right direction. We are so thankful for Abiding Marriage and God for seeing us through our difficult times and making us a better as a couple and stronger in our faith as well.    Wife's Comment

Couple married 7 years at the time they shared this:  

  • I am beyond thankful for Abiding Marriage Ministry. I am thankful for the many tools my wife and I have acquired during our time there. Many of the tools we can say we've heard and been taught a thousand times, but for us to come in and be vulnerable and raw together, I believe we are truly reclaiming our marriage together! I feel more on fire for my marriage than ever! We have truly seen a difficult start but because of all that we've seen God do in our lives and through this ministry, we confidently look forward to the incredible future that is to come!   Husband’s comment. 

  • I am thankful for Abiding Marriage Ministry and how it has helped grow my relationship with my husband. We went through a rough patch and let that consume our marriage. With the help of the ministry, we have been able to communicate more effectively and truly forgive the hurts from that turbulent season of our marriage. God has surely worked through Abiding Marriage ministry to bring hope and healing in our marriage, and for that we will be eternally grateful.  Wife’s comment.

Couple married 13 years at the time they shared this:  

  • I'm thankful for Abiding Marriage for helping myself and my wife search ourselves and seek God's desire for love, happiness and forgiveness in our marriage. The counseling focuses on individual biblical accountability and not blaming each other. After separation we have come back together and we are stronger than we have ever been!  Husband's comment

  • After being married for 13 years, we didn't know whether we were going to work it out OR divorce (we had already separated). Some friends recommended Abiding Marriage and we both went to the appointment with our guards up. But after about 3-4 sessions, the guards slowly started coming down. My husband and I are now living back under one roof and are doing better than ever with the help of the Lord and Abiding Marriage!   Wife's comment

Couple married 6 years at the time they shared this:  

  • Thank you for your support! This ministry has helped me to be a better husband for/to my wife. And by your obedience to Christ, I am able to do so! We've gotten extremely closer in our conversations, we've forgiven each other more, and we're having more fun. I can't thank you enough!    Husband's comment

  • Thank you so much, we appreciate your investment into marriages. Your support has poured into our marriage and is giving us life, joy, and counseling from God who we've been seeking! Thank you for being a blessing from Christ!  Wife's comment

Couple married 7 years at the time they shared this:  

  • Thank you for your support of Abiding Marriage. When my spouse and I first came, I was ready for a divorce. But through biblical counseling, we have learned forgiveness and compassion for one another. I don’t know where we would be without your support. Thank you!  Wife’s comment

  • This has been a great experience so far - very helpful! We have grown, not only as a couple, but as individuals. Thank you for your support of this ministry!    Husband’s comment

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